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Student Employment Services

Working while you’re in college is a great way to help keep loan debt minimal and gain real work experience. Research suggests that many students successfully balance a full-time enrollment status and working on a part-time basis. You may find that you become more effective at managing your time as you fit your work schedule into classes, studying, and other obligations.

EKU’s Student Employment Program offers students unique job opportunities, such as working at Meadowbrook Farm, Campus Recreation, or Noel Studio. Student work-study positions start at a minimum of $8.00 per hour and may range up to $18.00+ per hour. 

Work Study Program

The Student Employment Work-Study Program provides wages, in return for service, to assist you in achieving your goal of earning a college degree. 

The work program at Eastern Kentucky University has three purposes:

  1. It provides employment for those eligible, enabling you to earn a portion of your expenses while pursuing a college education.
  2. It is a part of the educational process whereby you can acquire marketable skills.
  3. It provides academically related work experience, which may have vocational value in post-college years.

Student Resources


PENGUIN is the Pogatshnik EmploymeNt for Graduate and Undergraduate Information Network. It is an electronic system used to process all student employment positions.


PENGUIN Training Materials

Hiring Official & Supervisor Resources

Additional questions about student employment? Email question.
Questions about Work Study funding? Contact the Financial Aid Office. 

Student Recognition

The National Student Employment Association has declared that the second week in April each year be set aside to recognize the value of student employmees. 

The purpose of this week is threefold:

  1. To enhance awareness of student employment and its important role in the higher education experience.
  2. To recognize the outstanding contributions and achievements of students who work while attending college.
  3. To thank the employers who hire students and make the student employment program a success.
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