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Kentucky Teachers Retirement System

KTRS is a defined benefit retirement plan for benefitted positions at EKU that require certification or a 4-year college degree or higher, and does not allow experience to substitute for a college degree. 

Benefited employees must participate by law and have 30 days to enroll after starting employment. In order to be vested, an employee must have at least 5 years of service.


Employees contribute 8.185% of compensable earnings on a pre-tax basis.

KTRS Retirement & Disability Benefits

Benefits of all vested members are based on years of service and final compensation. Sick leave balances between 3-6 months will be converted to service credit. Final compensation is the highest average salary of either three or five fiscal years. (To qualify for High 3, member must be age 55 with 27 years of service).

A member with at least five years of service who qualifies for total disability from any cause receives 60% of the average of the five years' salary for a minimum of five years-with at least a 50% value thereafter.

View Benefits Guide

Visit KTRS Website | 1-800-618-1687 

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