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Vision, Mission, and Values


Human Resources is committed to advancing EKU. We create and sustain a workplace culture of excellence and high engagement, foster innovation, and growth, promote diversity and respect, and support the integration of the demands of work and life.


We support the university’s mission of excellence in teaching through strategic, innovative, and policies, practices, programs, and services that:

  • Attract, develop, reward, and retain a diverse and talented workforce
  • Foster a productive work environment where people feel valued and respected
  • Support the changing nature of work and the work environment
  • Add value and reflect good stewardship of resources
  • Are fair, ethical, and legally compliant


Human Resources is committed to playing a key role in creating a great place to work. We aim to enable our highly knowledgeable workforce to perform in a solution-oriented, creative, resourceful, and flexible manner. Our guiding principles are:


  • Collaborate with customers to identify priorities and the best actions to address them
  • Deliver responsive, timely, and excellent service
  • Provide advice and solutions that enable the work of the university
  • Demonstrate commitment to continuous improvement


  • Leverage and share our HR resources, management tools, knowledge, and talent
  • Communicate respectfully, openly, and collaboratively


  • Be truthful and ethical
  • Provide service that is trustworthy, fair, and reliable


  • Be transparent about processes and decisions
  • Provide metrics/measures for others to see and evaluate
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