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FAQ: Student Hiring Official

Where can I find additional hiring official resources?

Check out our Student Employment Services page.

What is the procedure for adding a new hiring official or supervisor to a job posting?

Contact a member of the Human Resources Operations Team for instructions.

Do I need to submit a PENGUIN form each semester or term?

A student’s funding and eligibility change each semester or term. As a result, you must submit a PENGUIN form for each semseter or term. You will get an automatic email clearance as soon as HR approves the form for the student employee to begin working. 

How is a potential student employee notified about their background check?

The hiring official must submit their candidate status as "Recommended for Hire" in their OES job posting. This will prompt HR to submit a background check request, which will then send the candidate an email from our background vendor, HireRight, to electronically complete their information. 

How long does it take to complete a background check?

The amount of time will vary depending on the individual's history and the response time of the court offices that provide that information.  The average check takes 3-5 business days, but may be longer during periods of high volume or court closures.

What happens if the student does not complete their background check?

The link in background check email is active for 10 business days. The candidate will receive an automatic follow-up email reminders. If the candidate never starts their background check, Human Resources will be notified and the hiring official will be contacted with their options. No candidate may work without a successful background check.

The student employee states they did not get the background check email, what now?

First, the student should check their junk folder. Second, they should verify that there is not a typo in their email address entered on their job application. If there is a typo or if the student is unable to find the email, contact your HR Representative to have the background check email forwarded.

Is the Graduate Assistant hiring process different from the undergraduate student worker hiring process?

The hiring process is the same. The qualifications for a graduate assistantship and regular student employee are different. Find out more here.

Can a student be both a Graduate Assistant and a regular student worker?

 Yes, however, the student must receive permission from the Graduate School office before they accept a second position.

What is the difference between a Graduate Assistant (GA) and a student worker?

A Graduate Assistant is a graduate level student who is awarded a graduate assistantship stipend through the Graduate School office. These jobs may not be filled by undergraduate students. A student worker is any EKU student who is hired for a work-study, institutionally funded or federally funded. 

How many hours must a student be enrolled in to be full-time?

An undergraduate must be enrolled in 12 hours and a graduate student must be enrolled in 9 hours. The only exception is when a student is in their last semester and requires fewer than the minimum number of hours to complete their degree. In this situation, the student’s advisor should contact the Financial Aid office and request that they be given an override for their final semester.

How does Human Resources let students know they are, or are not, hired?

Students will receive an automated email from the OES site when the job posting is marked as “filled” or canceled by HR. Notifications are sent to all applicants informing them if they are “Hired”, “Not Hired”, or if the position was canceled or withdrawn.

How do I know if a student is eligible for Federal Work-Study funding?

A student's federal award is determined by their FAFSA form. This information is now readily available in PENGUIN. However, you must first contact the Financial Aid Office to request federal funds for your department to use. This amount may not always match up to the student's eligible award.

Can a student be both a Federal and Institutionally funded employee?

Yes. Institutional students must be registered full-time, but a student can be eligible for federal funding with just 6 registered hours.

How do I hire a Co-Op student?

Please contact the Office of Career and Co-Op for more information.

How does my student employee complete Title IX training?

Please contact the Office of Institutional Equity for Title IX training. A Title IX training email will be sent to their EKU email address.

What forms should I keep as the Hiring Official or Supervisor?

Departments are welcome to retain any additional forms for a student’s file that pertain to department rules, employment agreements, and performance evaluations. These forms do not need to be sent to the Human Resources Office. If you have questions about other forms, please contact Human Resources.

How long should I keep my records for my Student Employees?

The official personnel file for every employee is kept by Human Resources. Department documents (performance evaluations, confidentiality agreements, etc.) are required to follow Kentucky’s retention schedule (available here:

How do I retain records for my Student Employees?

Records may be retained in digital or physical form in a secured location. It is the department’s responsibility to monitor files and to follow the Kentucky retention schedule. For questions, please contact Human Resources (859)622-5094 or Archives (859) 622-1792.

How many hours per week can a student work?

During fall and spring terms, students are limited to working 20 hours per week when they are enrolled in classes. During summer and winter terms, hours in addition to the 20 may be requested and sent to HR for approval.

What happens if my student employee works over 20 hours in a week?

 If a student exceeds 20 hours during the work week, you will be contacted by Financial Aid. After the 3rd occurrence, the student’s job will be terminated.

How can I avoid a student working over 20 hours if they have multiple jobs?

When a student employee holds multiple assignments, you will be alerted in PENGUIN. It is the responsibility of the student and the supervisors to work together to create a schedule that is at or below 20 hours.

Can a student work during their scheduled class time?

 No. A student may only work when their classes are not being held and must be given a buffer of 15 minutes before and after class so they have time to travel to and from work.

What if class is canceled, may the student work during scheduled class time?

No. Students may only work during scheduled class time if the class cancelation applies to the entire University (EX: assurance of learning day). If classes are delayed, the student’s scheduled class time will change to meet the delayed schedule (EX:  weather delay, finals ). Please note in comments on student timesheet that it was due to University delayed schedule.

When is a student prohibited to work if their class has no listed time?

In these situations, the class is usually partially online and will only meet on campus a few days during the semester. The hiring official should contact the Financial Aid office so they can provide the on campus dates and receive approval for employment.

How does a student get paid?

 Students are required to log their time in myEKU before the deadline for each payroll period. Students are paid on a bi-weekly 2 week delayed schedule and are required to setup a direct deposit account at Human Resources.

Where does my student log time?

Students log their time in myEKU. If a student has more than one job, they will need to log their time for each job separately.

What are the webtime entry deadlines?

 Students must submit their time by the Monday following the end of pay period. Approvers must approve time by the Wednesday after the pay period ends.

My student worker can’t submit time. What should they do?

Please have the student contact the Human Resources office as soon as possible.

What if I can’t see the time my student worker submitted?

Please contact the Human Resources office as soon as possible.

How do I make changes to a student’s job (EX: org code, pay rate, job title)?

Please submit a PENGUIN form with the new information.

What is the pay range for a student employee?

All student positions start at minimum wage but a hiring official may choose to pay a higher wage. 

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